At our school, we are committed to providing a quality education that prepares every child for success in their future. Our experienced and dedicated staff work tirelessly to create a safe and supportive learning environment where students can thrive both academically and personally. We offer a wide range of programs and extracurricular activities to help students explore their interests and develop their skills. We believe that every student has the potential to achieve great things, and we are here to help them reach their goals.
Our Inclusion team are available to meet with you to discuss any SEND, inclusion or safeguarding issues or concerns you may have. Please call the office and they will be able to put you in touch.
Sue York - SENDCo
Jane Wood - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Joel Long - Learning Mentor.
Protected characteristics: (Gender, Race, Disability, Religion or Belief, Sexual Orientation, Gender reassignment and Pregnancy or Maternity)
Through our curriculum and in particular our PSHE and RE curriculums, the children learn about the similar and differences between us all and the importance of respecting everyone. The children learn that some groups are discriminated against and because of this there are laws to protect everybody's rights.
Our values teach us that we can all achieve and we all should be included. Through our BE Words (Caring, Confidence, Curious and Cooperative), which are woven through our curriculum and school day, the children learn the skills of caring, confidence, curiosity and co-operation. We focus on our Be Words, thinking about them in our assemblies and recognise where the children are demonstrating our values.
We work to make sure that all the children are represented in our curriculum. We read books by authors from a wide range of backgrounds; we learn about different cultures and religions and their contribution to society; we celebrate and commemorate special events throughout the year; we have visitors such as Hope not Hate that teach and empower the children to understand what discrimination is and their role in preventing it.
We employ a wide range of strategies to ensure that all children are able to access the learning across the curriculum. We work with outside agencies to support us with this to ensure that all the children are getting the correct support and challenge.
We enrich our curriculum with trips, focus days and special events throughout the year. We make sure that all children have access to all the clubs we run, and work with external clubs to ensure that all children can attend the clubs that they want to. Extra adults are available to ensure that children with disabilities or SEND are welcomed and encouraged to attend clubs. We want all the children to take part in enrichment activities in order to find their spark!
You can find out more about our clubs here:
Sport is for all. Everyone can join in. We have a huge range of sports opportunities available for children at playtimes and lunchtimes, through our curriculum and in the many tournaments that we compete in. Our SEND children attend Barnet LA Sports events and sports days. There is equal parity in our teams for girls and boys.
View the SEND Local and School Offer.
SEND Report (pdf)
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Underhill School and Children's Centre, Mays Lane, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 2LZ
Copyright © 2023 Underhill School and Children's Centre - All Rights Reserved.