We have developed a learning system to ensure high quality and consistent teaching and learning across all subjects. We have created a set of guides for the key aspects that ensure high standards in teaching and learning. I CAN learning system is linked carefully to the Underhill Way.
We understand what the children need in order to make progress. Plans reflect the differentiation needed to ensure that all needs are met. All children are given achievable challenges. Planning addresses non-negotiables and there are planned opportunities to 'meet them' in every lesson. Planning shows activities for children meet their targets as well as know Working Memory is supported.
Make it spicy - learning without limits.
We plan with high expectations for our children. We understand that in order for them to achieve in their education and in the world outside of school, we need to plan for accelerated progress in every lesson. We plan active, stimulating activities into each lesson to help children be uplifted and engaged. Pupils see this as 'fun learning'.
All hands on deck.
When we plan, we make sure that all adults are in the best place to provide the most impactful support. Planning shows what staff are doing in all parts of the lesson. Planning shows how and when modelling is happening; so all children understand tasks and expectations before they begin.
We plan for our children. We know what experiences the children are bringing to school and we ensure that all planning addresses gaps in their contextual awareness and builds on their prior knowledge. We curate our curriculum from the wealth of online resources we have available to us in order to ensure that our curriculum is for our children.
We plan from the outcome. Every lesson flows forward and back along the journey towards the outcome. Links between subjects are carefully planned; links to previous learning are referenced. We know and plan all the steps along the golden thread to reach the outcome.
This is our way we learn. Let's chant this together. Everything is modeled.
If you want the children to do it, you do it first - show them how!
Everyone is learning; everyone is represented; everyone is challenged; everyone is supported; no one is left behind.
Everyone is learning in the way they need to; at the level they need to.
Working memory is supported effectively.
Precision differentiation.
Every classroom at Underhill is positive, encouraging and full of praise.
All children know that when they try their best, they will be rewarded. When they don't try their best, it is our job to find out why. We promote pride.
We bring all the wonders of the world into the classroom and treasure each stage of our children's growth and development. Memorable. Exciting. Together.
All hands on deck; every interaction counts. Teachers lighthouse (move and check each pupil). Everyone achieves together. All pupils finish session tasks to a very high quality.
We have everything we need and we are ready to go. No learning time is lost. Every opportunity for learning is used.
We communicate the why. Children know what they are learning, why they are learning it and how they are learning it. We use 'I can' and WILF (What I Am Looking For).
Talk the talk, then you can walk the walk. If they can say it, they can write it. Tame the teacher talk.
Every lesson flows forward and back along the journey towards the outcome. Links between subjects are made; links to previous learning are referenced.
We understand how children learn. Children understand how they learn; they recognise when they are in the Learning Pit and the steps to take to climb out. We know that learning can be tricky; we celebrate this journey. The children reflect on their learning.
Underhill School and Children's Centre
Underhill School and Children's Centre, Mays Lane, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 2LZ
Copyright © 2023 Underhill School and Children's Centre - All Rights Reserved.